Expanding our Support for Sustainable Spices in India

India has a rich history of cultivating spices, dating back nearly 3,000 years. Spices indigenous to India include turmeric and cardamom, two of the five spices targeted for a multi stakeholder partnership promoting sustainable agriculture and community resilience. The project spans six Indian states and has been jointly funded by the German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ), McCormick, and our joint venture, AVT McCormick Ingredients. The overall aim of the project is to strengthen farmers’ capacity to make production practices more economically, socially and environmentally sustainable.
Overall, the program objective is to increase productivity and farmers’ income, improve their livelihoods and maintain a stable supply of sustainably grown spices. It includes initiatives targeting female farmers with the aim of reducing gender inequalities in the supply chain.
Dr. Poonam Pandey, our Sustainability Project Manager based in India, is collaborating with local field teams on project implementation, starting with a baseline survey for the Grown for Good standard. “Sensitization sessions were conducted, explaining the program and what compliance entailed,” said Poonam. “Then after the baseline we moved onto sustainable agriculture training.”
A group of lead farmers were identified for the initial training, who will then go on to train other farmers within their community. While traditionally training is attended mainly by male farmers, Poonam is in a unique position to shift gender biases.