Transparent Labeling
McCormick is in favor of transparency in product labelling and we are strong supporters of efforts to establish a uniform national standard in the United States for labeling bioengineered foods and ingredients that applies throughout the country. Many of our products have always been Non-GMO and in continuation of this history we have included Non-GMO labels on McCormick branded herbs, spices and extracts in the U.S. Additionally, we’ve successfully transitioned over 80% of our U.S. Gourmet Line to Organic and Non-GMO Project verified. We agree with the scientific consensus, as established by highly reputable organizations such as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the European Food Safety Authority, and the World Health Organization, that bioengineered crops are safe and nutritious. But we also recognize that consumers in some markets prefer foods and ingredients that are not made with bioengineered ingredients, and thus we will continue to take steps to ensure that we are able to meet that consumer preference throughout our line of products. In addition, we will in the future ensure that any of our products that contain bioengineered ingredients will be disclosed accordingly.