Human Rights Policy
McCormick believes in fundamental standards that support our commitment to our employees, our business partners, our customers, and our communities. We have therefore created and adopted a Global Human Rights Policy. As a member of the UN Global Compact, we commit to implement universal sustainability principles that meet fundamental responsibilities in the areas of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption. Although many of the standards set forth in this Policy align with basic working conditions and human rights concepts advanced by international organizations such as the International Labor Organization and the United Nations Global Compact on Human Rights, this policy represents McCormick’s own minimum standards for working conditions and human rights that applies to our employees, suppliers, and business partners. While local laws or regulation may necessitate a different interpretation or application of this Policy, McCormick believes that the fundamental values set forth in this Policy should serve as our global minimum business standards.
Nondiscrimination and Harassment
McCormick is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer and will not discriminate based on race, sex, color, national origin, creed, religion, pregnancy, age, disability military/veteran status, sexual orientation/identity, genetic information, marital status or any legally protected status.
We are dedicated to fulfilling this policy as it relates to decisions regarding employment, promotion, demotion, transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertising, layoff or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation and benefits, and selections for training, including apprenticeships/internships, as well as any other terms or conditions of employment.
Success at McCormick is a direct reflection of our people and culture. We believe that our values – driven culture is a formidable competitive advantage – one we must foster and protect. We embrace and value the diverse backgrounds of all our employees and seek to create an atmosphere in which ideas can be expressed freely in an environment of mutual respect, trust, and honesty. Bias discrimination, or harassment based on upon race, sex, color, national origin, creed, religion, pregnancy, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation/identity, genetic information, marital status, or any legally protected status must not be part of our business practices.
Freedom of Association, Work Environment, and Compensation
McCormick respects our employees’ right to individually decide to join or to refrain from joining any lawful organization. The Company is committed to complying with laws pertaining to freedom of association, consultation, and collective bargaining, and to promoting a work environment that fosters communication, productivity, and employee engagement.
McCormick provides employees with compensation and benefits that are fair and equitable for the type of work performed and the local business market where the work is performed. Employees receive at least the minimum wage required by laws and are provided benefits and overtime compensation compliant with applicable laws.
Protecting Employee Privacy
McCormick is committed to providing privacy protection of employee data maintained by the Company. Employee data will be used for the sole purpose of supporting Company operations and providing employee benefits. McCormick has safeguards in place to ensure personal data is protected from unauthorized access and disclosure, including limiting access to such data only to those employees with legitimate business purpose.
Prohibiting Forced Labor and Child Labor
At McCormick, the employment relationship must be voluntary, and the terms of employment must comply with applicable laws and regulations. The Company prohibits employment of forced labor or child labor and requires suppliers to comply with these standards as well.
Promoting Safety, Health, and Environment
McCormick is committed to providing employees with a safe and healthy work environment. We strive for continuous improvement in our products and processes to minimize waste and protect the environment.
Expectations for Our Suppliers
McCormick is committed to the highest standards of ethical and business conduct. Our relationship with our business partners, including our suppliers, vendors, consultants, and contract laborers, are defined by contracts which are based on lawful and ethical practices. We request that our business partners adopt and enforce standards like those in this Policy.
Doing Business Globally
As a global company, McCormick engages in business transactions cross many borders. We are committed to engaging in reasonable due diligence and screening of customers and distributors to ensure compliance with laws that regulate international trade.
Promoting Enforcement of the Policy
McCormick believes that the ability to enforce a policy is as critical as the adoption of the policy. To promote the enforcement of this Policy, McCormick will inform employees about it and encourage employees who believe this Policy has been violated to report the suspected violations through the Company’s Ethics Hotline. No retaliatory action will be tolerated against anyone who raises concerns about possible violations of this Policy.