France Pay Equity Index Statement
March 2024
We are pleased to report our pay equity index scores for both McCormick France and McCormick Retail Services over the last 12 months.
The latest index score for McCormick France is 98 out of 100 – one point better than the previous year. McCormick Retail Services’ score has remained at 77 out of 100 over the same period.
These statements are in response to the French government’s request for organizations with more than 50 employees to publish a gender pay equity index. Based on five indicators, this index enables businesses to measure where they stand in terms of gender pay. The aim is to eliminate the pay gap between women and men.
Both these performances reflect our unwavering commitment to our people and the deliberate steps taken by our two French-based organisations to drive greater inclusion and career progression. These include the ongoing development and promotion of the Women’s International Network (WIN) – our employee ambassador group focused on the development of women, and IGNITE – our global signature leadership programme for women, now in its sixth year of existence. We are also a member of the LEAD Network (Leading Executives Advancing Diversity), the Women’s Food Forum and the Women in Manufacturing organization as a way to increase our external visibility and encourage employees’ involvement with professional associations. In addition, we have set a global goal to achieve 50% of women in senior leadership positions globally by 2025.
We are determined to continue improving these index scores over time and recognise there is still work to be done to fully integrate diversity, equity and inclusion into our culture and operations consistently. We welcome this opportunity for greater transparency and look forward to working both internally and with external partners to advance this agenda.